We are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 21 for the SECOND Novant Health Charlotte Marathon Preview Run. This Preview Run will give you an opportunity to run the course you’ll be conquering on race day. You’ll have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the terrain, elevation changes, and key landmarks. As the Preview Run approaches, we want to ensure that you have all the essential information you need to make this event a safe and enjoyable experience.
THANK YOU, Charlotte Running Club, Run For Your Life, and the Run Far Training Program for organizing these Preview Runs!
- The Preview Runs are FREE and open to all. No registration required.
- Saturday, October 21 is the Preview Run for the SECOND half of the 2023 Novant Health Charlotte Marathon course.
- Meet at Romare Bearden Park across from the Knights Baseball field on 324 S Mint St
- Waivers & turn by turn directions will be available prior to the run
- Dynamic warm-up starts at 6:30am led by @Chris Elkins
- 3 Water Stops (noted below)
- Wear bright colored clothing and reflective gear/lights at dawn and in the dark
- Consider using a headlamp or flashlight. Sunrise is approximately 7:35am
- Run facing on-coming traffic and follow all rules for road safety
- Run on sidewalks whenever possible; always know that sometimes the opposite side of the street may be the safest option
- Start slow – use the first 2 miles as warm-up to prevent injury
- Take note of the weather and dress accordingly
- You can find more safety best practices here
Distances: Charlotte Full marathon: 13.1 miles, Charlotte Half marathon: 11 miles, Kiawah half: 11 miles, Kiawah Full: 18 miles, MCM: 10 miles
Course: Last 13.1 miles of Charlotte Marathon course (11-mile option for half marathoners)
Half Marathoners running the entire 13.1 miles and Full marathoners will run together in pace groups following the Charlotte marathon course (second half).
Half Marathoners running the 11-mile option: follow the 11-mile TBTs attached. Thanks Kathy Lee.
Link for 11-mile course map: https://routes.rungoapp.com/route/ETT5b7pSbd
Water/Nuun Stops for the entire 13.1 miles:
1) North Davidson and 24th St (approx. 3 miles into the run)
2) Pecan and Chestnut (approx. 6 miles into the run).
3) North Davidson and 24 St. (approx. 10 miles into the run)
Start/Finish (11 mile or 13.1 mile: Water only.
Directions: Turn-by-turn directions will be available at the start!