There really is an undeniable thrill in being one of the few folks willingly out running while everyone else is huddled inside. While this ridiculously cold weather dipped into the Charlotte area, and most of the southeastern United States, it didn’t stop some of you from running.
Hunkering down indoors was never really an option for us, either. We’ve got a big dog that doesn’t know the definition of “inclement.” And, to be honest, we feel logging miles in less-than-perfect weather should give runners the green light to indulge in a few guilty pleasures just for braving the elements. Here are five that get us up and out the door when the weather is at its wintry worst:
Post-run shower: the hotter the better
We’re generally advocates for the shortest of showers, and a water temperature that’s somewhere between warm and hot. Most dermatologists would likely give us come credit for that approach. But we feel miles logged in the cold are worthy of a few extra minutes under the shower. Our friend and Novant Health family nurse practitioner Jennifer Lopez reminds us: moisturize immediately after showering.

Saying “yes” to seconds
We’re no scientists over here, but there’s some research that suggests we burn a few more calories out there when we’re running in the cold. It’s called non-shivering thermogenesis. Regardless, we don’t need Bill Nye to tell us running (or walking) at any pace burns more calories than not moving at all. So, yes, thank you. We will have another piece of pie tonight.
Justifying a crowded closet
There’s an orange running sweater in our closet that’s an annual target for the donation bin. It’s generally too much for running around Charlotte. Until a week like this rolls around and it earns its place on the “keep me” list for one more year. Thanks, orange sweater. Hope to see you next winter.

Party pace is perfect
You’ll want to adjust your pace for lots of reasons in less-than-perfect weather. For one, drivers may not expect to see runners when it’s cold, wet, or gross outside. Plus, you never know when slippery spots can sneak up on you even along your regular running routes. Adjusting your expectations for pace, distance, or even performance in poor weather can take the pressure off and make your run more fun – even if the weather isn’t.

Catch some zzzz’s
Odds are good you’re not getting enough sleep anyway. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey suggests a third or more of adults in the US don’t. Sleep is essential for recovery, and you earned a few extra zzz’s with that cold weather run. The good news: It only takes a 20 minute nap to see the benefits.
How about you? Do you run come hell or high water, or does the forecast dictate your running schedule? Let us know if and how you treat yourself when you’ve logged those miles when the weather’s at its worst.
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