1,116 Reasons to Run
Well… with the unofficial start of summer behind us, we can all focus on the next exciting thing on the calendar: The 4 on the 4th presented by Novant Health! You really didn’t think we were gonna say “beach trip,” did you?
(No, parents. We didn’t forget about graduation season. 😉 And congrats, grads!)
While you’re weighing your options for how you’ll spend the next holiday, we’ve got 1,116 GREAT reasons you’ll want to run with us at the 4 on the 4th presented by Novant Health.
1000: That’s how many dollars in prize money are on the line here, folks. Men’s and women’s; first, second, and third place finishers. You know what they say; can’t win if you don’t play. Masters runners, we’ve got something for you, too. We’re excited to see who ends up on the podium!
100: Someone’s walking – or running away – with 100 bucks for winning our hot dog eating contest. Open to anyone on scene that morning. The first one to down six dogs and buns is the winner. Word is, a certain Mr. Chestnut has committed to another event on Coney Island. Looks like this $100 is up for grabs!
6: We’ve got a cool, half dozen Run For Your Life gift cards that’ll go to the winners in our special, Fourth of July edition trivia contest. TBH, we have no idea what kind of theme we’re running with here, but brush up on some useless trivia facts. Some random knowledge could pay off!
4: Miles, of course. There aren’t a load of 4-mile courses on the local race calendar. The 4 on the 4th event is as good an opportunity as any to race, run, or walk a little further than the everyday 5k. No offense, 5k’s. We still love ya.
1: And there’s a special prize for the best red-white-and-blue, holiday themed costume. We’ll let the audience decide the winner on this one. Decorate your kid, your stroller, your wagon – even your dog. The people’s vote will rule!
5: That’s how many bucks you can save on your registration for the 4 on the 4th presented by Novant Health. Just use the code 5DollarJuly4 at checkout. Don’t sleep on this one. It expires soon!
Plus, we’ve got tons of free parking near the course; beers, cold drinks and hot dogs for all the finishers; live music at the finish line festival; and this year’s event tee is an awesome, Recover® Brands tank!
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